Why herefordshire year in the orchard?

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RHS PomonaAwards
Herefordshire always has been described as "The County of Orchards" (Mr C W Radcliffe Cooke MP for Hereford in a House of Commons debate in February 1895) and has been at the cutting edge of 'top fruit' breeding, growing and use for over two centuries. Orchards are an intrinsic part of the character, biodiversity and economics of the county.

In 1811, Thomas Andrew Knight, an eminent horticulturalist and Herefordian, published the first scientific based, colour illustrated Pomona or book of apples - the Pomona Herefordiensis. To celebrate this remarkable book and the county's orchard heritage the Orchard Topic Group decided to launch a special celebration of Herefordshire's Orchards - Herefordshire Year in the Orchard was born.

The menu on the left gives you access to more information about why 2011 is the county's first Year in the Orchard; the people, places and works that have inspired it; details of the events and activities taking place; how you can register your event and lots of useful orchard related links and contacts.


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